* The word "actually" started to annoy me in the Routh Creek Parkway presentation.

BTW, I recently rode the entirety of the trails in that area. Nice ride, but there are some things to be aware of. Some of the corners are blind and bike riders will have to reduce their speed. There are homeless people in the park, though none were doing anything weird/dangerous when I was there. There are several intersecting trails, and the signage is not very good. It would be easy to get turned around if one had no sense of direction. You're not going to get lost, per se, but if you don't pay attention you could easily spend a lot of time backtracking.
* Mr. Omar asks relevant questions in a civil manner. Keep up the good work, sir.
City Council Meeting
* I can corroborate the issue that the Motorcycling gentleman reports (sensors not tripping the lights). I experience this both on motorcycle and bicycle. This is particularly unpleasant if you are at the front of a line of cars. You (and the cars behind you) can't go because your bike won't trip the light.
* looks like the session ran past 10pm. I will program the MythTV box to record until 11pm.
Audio of the session[s]
I pulled the audio out of the 4hr recording and am attempting to post it here. Caveats:
* it's unedited. At the beginning you will hear the buzzy audio off the channel 16 slideshow until the work session begins. You will hear it again between work session and council session.
* I don't plan on editing anything. Next week's will be 5hrs long and I'm not going to trim it if it runs shorter. My ability/willingness to post this stuff is directly related to how much I can automate the process.
* theoretically this means you could subscribe to an xml feed on this blog and get the council meetings and other audio (like the recent burglarly arrest) as a podcast. I don't know the details of how that will work yet. The enclosure is there in the alleged feed location if I look at the raw xml, but not in an RSS reader or podcast catcher. Hmmm. Will play with it.
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