Sunday, January 23, 2011

DC on bragging rights

Hop on over and read his article on bragging rights and the BURP TOD. I think it's (unfortunately) got the ring of truth.

I have zero interest in underwriting d*cksize wars between city governments. I am reminded of an African proverb that says something like "when elephants fight it is the grass that suffers."

COR leadership is, generally speaking, overly concerned with comparisons to Plano. Richardson is our chosen city, not some consolation prize for folks who couldn't quite swing a mortgage in Plano.

{this originally started out as a comment on DC's blog, but I didn't want to put the crude language there, even beeped out.}

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One Councilman stated the major goal of the Renner/GBush/75development was to make the "Cotton Belt" come to Richardson rather than Plano.

Forget that the "CB" has NO public money in the forseeable future(as acknowledged by the Carrollton City Manager, his comment more honest than one from Richardson's CM). Richardson's City Manager and staff are still touting to the Council there is "public/private" funding going to be available for the CB, but Richardson won't haave a chance for it to come here UNLESS we build the "Apartment the Town" complex, and give Mr. Keffler the authority to O.K changes in what's approved by up to 25%.

And how does one get to this TOD development? One drives there. (Or drives to another station to train there.) And unless one is going to travel to Downtown Dallas, Dart stops are not "walker" friendly to areas around them.

So we should approve zoning which would ok up to 7000 some odd apartments just to get the mythical whenever-it-may-appear-in-the-far-future CB line to Richardson by taking a substantial south, then north bend away from its already paid for right of way?
I think not. It's a good bet if and when the mythical CB becomes reality, those thousands of apartments built(if zoning is approved) will be as old as those being lamented on Spring Valley.

Be concerned with what should be done to take care of what Richardson really needs and forget "bragging rights competition" with "fringe neighbors."