Received a postcard from Neighborhoods for Richardson today; I assume everyone else did, too.
"100% of these projects were requested by you, , the residents of Richardson.
Your city leadership listened."
Uh, no. Some of the more vocal residents screamed for pet projects the same way baby birds scream for worms.
Doesn't anyone remember the quote about how the council didn't want a bond package now and had to be strongarmed by Tex?
"Invest wisely". Indeed. I already cast my vote.
The Indictment - The Text
6 years ago
I wonder who requested UTD roads?
I wonder who requested the Fire Station move?
I wonder who requested new handling systems at the Library?
There is value with each of these, but they were obviously requested by City departments, NOT regular ol' citizens who want their streets patched, or maybe hope for a swimming pool that is open in their neighborhood.
Common sense does exist! hooray!
OK, silly, who do you think requested the roads at UTD....UTD! "Tex" Keffler and "Pay to Play" Slagel indeed listened!
We are asked to vote without the full information regarding existing debt and costs to maintain new things being added. Initial cost is only a small part of the picture.
The Richardson Homefront?
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